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Lowell girls sweep Sailors


Lowell pitching allowed one run on 10 hits in its doubleheader against South Christian.  Meanwhile, its bats pounded out 28 hits and score 15 runs in sweeping the Sailors, 3-0, 12-1.

The Red Arrows provided Morgan Groom all the support she’d need when they scored two runs in the second inning of game one

Carissa Paiz opened the inning with a double. She was sacrificed to third by Amanda Vietzke before Groom doubled her home. Groom would later score on a pass  ball.

Lowell  added an insurance run  in the sixth when Groom doubled home Vietzke from first. Vietzke got aboard with a one-out single.

South Christian’s first hit off the Groom did not come until the fifth inning. The Lowell ace gave up a lead-off triple before stranding the Sailor at third.

In game two, Lowell scored in every inning except the sixth as it plated 12 runs on 20 hits.

An RBI double by Paiz and an RBI single by Lindsey Crawford highlighted a two-run first for Lowell.

A bases-clearing double off the bat of Paiz, highlighted a four-run second for the Red Arrows.

A six-hit, four-run fifth inning saw Lowell increase it’s lead 12-1. A two-ut, two-run double by Sarah Mogor fueled the outburst.