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About MI Sports Page

In a technological age of need it now. Need to know it now. MiSportsPage.com will attempt to minimize that restless time frame that comes with not knowing how you’re favorite team did in that big game you couldn’t get to because you had to work or had a family obligation.

The willingness to wait, in this social media savvy world, has been rolled up and thrown out with yesterday’s newspaper.

MiSportsPage.com chose the slogan “Home Town Sports as it Happens” with the sole purpose of providing important high school athletic information at the technological speed available to us. Okay, that’s pretty darn quick. How about faster than tomorrow’s paper?

Exposure for community athletes once a staple in community newspapers has slowly been gobbled away by the corporate conglomerates. Mi Sports Page revitalizes that lost coverage and exposure for Moms and Dads, friend and fans while also providing a window of opportunity for colleges, universities and recruiters.

So whether it’s an important story on an athlete’s success, or a community rallying behind its “David,” MiSportsPage.com’s will capture it.

Let’s be honest, most of us are held captive in a sense, because we want and work to get to that next Friday night football game, that Thursday wrestling or gymnastics meet, or a Tuesday night volleyball or basketball game.

So when being at that important game or finding that timely, relevant feature story seems impossible allow MiSportsPage.com’s to uncover the possiblities.


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