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Lowell 4, EGR 1 – Good soccer play continues as Red Arrows drop Pioneers

Pace and flow created enough good opportunities in lifting Lowell boys soccer team to a 4-1 win over East Grand Rapids Tuesday night. The win was also the Red Arrows eighth straight to start the season. “For the most part we were comfortable in our play. We had a nice pace and flow, creating early […]

MI Sports Page High School Soccer Top 10

1. FOREST HILLS CENTRAL – Rangers shutout East Kentwood in an opening season matchup, but will they better come districts? Either way, anyway, the Rangers are ranked 7th in the state in Division 1 and No.1 with Mi Sports Page 2. EAST KENTWOOD – They are the defending Division 1 state champions and appear strong […]

Lowell streaks to 7-0 with exciting soccer win over Grand Rapids Christian

With the Red Arrow boys soccer team trailing by a goal late in the second half against conference rival Grand Rapids Christian, senior Joe Sweet Lowell prayed that somehow, someway his Red Arrows would find a way to change the game’s complexion. Leaving nothing to chance, in this case prayer, Sweet and his teammates started […]

Kyllonen, Sweet lead Red Arrow drive for league title

More good players than positions is a luxury Lowell boys’ soccer coach will just have to work around. “Actually, it is a nice luxury. It’s creates good competition,” said soccer coach  Rich O’Keefe. The Red Arrows,  third in the O-K White, finished with a record of 16-6 last year. Their season ended in a 3-0 […]