Mi Sports Page and Connection Graphics in their commitment to help promote and celebrate the high school student athlete has reached an agreement with J.W. Sexton, Lansing Eastern, and Lansing Waverly Schools to design and publish their school athletic programs.
This agreement positions Mi Sports Page to help Lansing Area Schools garner funding for athletics during these increasingly challenging economic times for schools.
According to the National Federation of State High School Associations, 55.5% of all students took part in high school sports in 2010. School sports and interscholastic activities provide an opportunity for children to participate in meaningful team experiences which are often an indicator of drop-out rates and of success in college. A recent USA Today survey found that 95% of the Fortune 500 Companies CEO’s participated in extracurricular activities.
and celebrate MI Sports Page program publications are a product of Connection Graphics and are intended to help enhance the fan’s experience at high school athletic venues.
“The programs, at no cost to the schools, contain color pictures of Freshman, Junior Varsity and Varsity teams, rosters, schedules and a season preview story for each varsity team during the Fall, Winter and Spring seasons,” explained Mi Sports Page Program editor, Thad Kraus.
Dave Panici, Lansing Eastern athletic director, noted not only are school funds short, but it does not have the time nor staff to publish it own programs.
“The programs are also a way for Mi Sports Page to help Lansing area companies reach this important targeted audience. Not only will they reach an incredibly brand loyal and grateful consumer, sponsors will be helping to fill the gap, so kids can keep sports and activities in their schools,” concluded Mi Sports Page’s Connie Sweet.
Contact Thad if you are interested in promoting your business and supporting local Lansing School sports programs, 517-645-4387.
Filed under: General