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Thad on Sports- “More Than a Coach”

Even in his resignation as Ohio State football coach, Jim Tressel was trying to cover up his coaching character indiscretions.

Why else did he did he come out with his resignation statement on Memorial Day? Possibly because maybe no one is paying attention on a holiday set aside for honoring those who served and died for this country with honor.

Suprised? We shouldn’t be. It is clear now this Tressel guy has never purported himself with honor. So his last act as Buckeye football coach, he used a day set aside for the service men and women of this country, as cover.

Is this still a man you want your son or grandson to play for? Are you listening Eddie DeBartolo – Jack Nicklaus?

With the revelations over the last number of months about Tressel,  it is clear that a man who has been often lauded publicly for his sincerity, faith and politeness, practiced ethical misconduct, dishonesty, deceit and a lack of integrity when no one was watching.

The signs were there clear back in his Youngstown State days. Winning football games, however, has been the coach’s best cover….which speaks to the larger problem… are the big suits in the NCAA ivory towers listening?

Tressel hasn’t molded boys to men; instead he’s been a model of fraud, hypocrisy  and deception.

Finally, for the people who have admired his faith in God and have made mention of  the prayer-request box he kept on the desk in his office at Ohio State…. as one might suspect, Tressel’s been stuffing the box lately. So keep the prayers coming. Sadly, it appears a book written about Tressel back in 2009 was right,  this guy was more than a coach!!!!