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Trapp leads Red Arrow netters

Well, the O-K White is still as tough a tennis conference as one will find around the state. If you’re Lowell, that’s the bad news.

However, the good news is the Red Arrows will be led this year by Division 2 all-state performer  Kelly Trapp.

The senior, 21-7 last year, looks strong as ever heading into 2011.

“She looks as strong as usual,” said Lowell girls tennis coach Bonnie Wall. “Kelly and our top doubles team will be our strongest position at this point in the season.”

Lowell finished 5-6-1 a year ago and placed third in the league.

Filling singles positions besides Kelly are Kelsey Wittenbach (2nd singles), Morgan Rogalke (3rd singles) and Brynlee Pomper (4th singles). Breana McKendrick will fill in at fourth  singles or fourth doubles, depending on the need.

The  Red Arrows #2 doubles of Abby Rogalke and Kelsey Mankel team from last year is back and has moved up to #1 doubles;  Zoe Beloncis (#3 dubs last year) with team up with new partner Raechel Stougaarde at second doubles; Molly Willemstein will play third doubles with new partner Jessica Lewis; while last year’s JV players Kiran Riley and Ellie Fitzpatrick will play at fourth doubles.

“A new face t the varsity lineup, sophomore Raechel Stougaard shows promise and has moved rapidly up to second doubles,” Wall explains.

East Grand Rapids and Grand Rapids Christian are expected to continue to reign atop the league. Northview and Lowell will again to be the best among the second tier teams.